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At Mississippi College School of Law, the Student Bar Association (SBA) is passionately driven by the mission to empower excellence, advocate for justice, and foster unity among those who comprise our diverse law school community. Dedicated to
upholding the highest academic and ethical standards while championing inclusivity for all, SBA’s commitment to justice propels law students to actively engage with the legal community, aiming to create a more equitable society through education, advocacy, and community outreach.

Faculty Advisor: Ann Regan Barlow


2024-2025 Executive Board

President: Cole Lothorp

Vice President: Maley Moak 

Chief of Staff: Chloe King 

Treasurer: Cody Dinkelacker 

Secretary: Jacorie McCall 

Director of Events: Emmy Foster 

Elections Commissioner: Ethan Zadrozny 

Director of Policy: Michael Agyeman 

Director of Marketing: Carson Miller 

ABA Representative: Allen England 


Speaker of the Senate: Joshua Carter 

Abby Hollingsworth 

Allie Piefer 

Carter Blanchard 

Cassandra Harmon 

Kifer Glass 

McKenna Wilson

Mckenzie Aikman

Megan Sullivan 

Nick Raad

Samuel Martin

Tami Peets 

2024 LSBA End-of-the-Year Award Recipients:

1L's of the Year: Codie Hicks & Nathan Lucas 

2L's of the Year: Ethan Zadrozny & Joshua Carter 

3L's of the Year: Kerri Herrington & Jonelle Maan 

Student Organization of the Year: Health Law Society 

Student Organization Members of the Year: Kole Akers & Zach Bridwell

Student Employees of the Year: Emmy Foster & Perry Kelly

T.A.'s of the Year: Chris Favilla & Katie Beth Simmons