Mississippi College Law Transcript Request Process
Current Students
Current students can receive free copies of their official MC Law transcript using the transcript request form below. Return the competed form to Ann Regan Barlow (arbarlow@mc.edu) by email or mail.
There are no fees for current students who use the official transcript request form above. For former students and alumni, official transcripts can be ordered online through Parchment and can be sent electronically, by mail, or picked up in person for $15.00. The pick-up location is the Registrar's Office at the Clinton campus.
Types of Delivery
Certified original copies of transcripts can be delivered by four different options:
· FedEx (additional fees may apply)
· Email/eTranscript
· Student Pick-up*
*Transcript requests that are to be picked up will not be available until the next business day after 2:00 p.m. and will require a photo ID before it will be released. The pick-up location is the Registrar's Office at the Clinton campus..
Unofficial Transcripts
Current Students
Unofficial transcripts are available online at no charge for current students. Current students can log into their MyMC account and click on the box titled "Banner Web for Students". From the Student Profile, students can locate a menu below their profile picture and click on the link titled "Academic Transcript (Unofficial)".
Former Students
Former students can access their records, including unofficial transcripts, through BannerWeb at any time. Click here for more information*.
*If you completed coursework prior to 1993, your records may not be available online through BannerWeb. Please contact the Office of the Registrar for more information on the availability of Unofficial Transcripts.
Dean's Certificates/Certificate of Graduation
Request for Dean's Certificates/Certificate of Graduation for send request to barexam@mc.edu for processing.
General Information
The official Mississippi College transcript is a complete record of a student's coursework completed while enrolled at MC, including undergraduate, graduate, and professional coursework. Partial transcripts are not available.
The Registrar's Office will not provide students with copies of another institution's transcript that we may have in our possession. Transcripts from other institutions must be requested directly from the institution issuing the transcript.
Transcript requests prior to 2001 may take an additional 24 hours to process.
Transcripts will not be issued for those whose accounts have unpaid balances.