This project marks the first major renovation at MC Law in 20 years and will include a plan to improve campus aesthetics and amenities. Due to these renovations, parking and access to the facilities may be limited. Read below for more details.
The Latest Updates
February 24, 2025
We are excited to see Phase 2 of the renovations get underway (the Student Center, Family Law Clinic Offices, Rosenblatt Patio, and Back Patio/Wellness Lawn (which will henceforth be collectively known as "The Quad")).
Classroom Building Access:
As construction gets underway at the rear-exterior of the Classroom Building ("The Quad"), we ask that you access the building through the West Side Entrance (as we did during the initial stages of Phase 1. You can also access the Classroom Building through the front of the building.
Administrative Building Access:
The front steps to the Administrative Building (outside the Dean's Suite) is open to use as an entrance.
The Cafe has opened on the Second Floor of the Library. Dean Miller has graciously permitted food/drink on the Second Floor of the Library during the Phase 2 renovations. PLEASE NOTE: Food/drink are NOT permitted on the First or Third Floors of the Library.
We apologize for any inconvenience as we adjust in support of Phase 2 of the renovations. But, as we enjoy the benefits of the now-(almost)-completed Phase 1 renovations, I think we can all agree it will all be WORTH IT as we look forward to a brand new MC Law!
December 17, 2024
Christmas update from Dean Anderson
We hope each of you have a Very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from all of us at MC Law.
October 29, 2024
I could not be more excited about all that is happening at MC Law! It's going to be a great year! -Dean John Anderson.
As we continue our much-anticipated renovations, some of our access points and spaces will be closed to students until they are completed. Please read the guidance below. We are grateful for your patience with this--and we apologize for any inconvenience. We promise it will all be worth it!!!!
There are three new security gates:
- The East Entrance to the Rear Lot (next to the Administrative Office Building and Library)
- The West Exit from the Rear Lot (next to the Law School Clinics and Student Center--NOTE: this gate is EXIT ONLY; you will not be able to enter the Rear Lot from this gate).
- The Foot Traffic Gate next to the Student Center.
The vehicle Entrance to the Rear Lot (adjacent to the Admin Building) and the Foot Traffic gate can both be opened by touching your MC Law ID card to the touchpad next to the gate.
To exit the rear lot in your vehicle, you will just pull up to the West Exit Traffic Gate next to the Clinics and Student Center, and the gate will open for you. The plan is that traffic will move clockwise, and that vehicles will enter from the East Gate and exit through the West Gate.
The plan is to have these security gates operating 24/7.
Guidance for building access over the next few weeks:
Administrative Offices: Our Administrative Staff have all moved back to their offices on the first floor along with Student Services.
Library: The newly renovated first floor of the library is now open (though we are still waiting on some finishing touches). You can access the first floor with your card through the double wooden doors off the back patio.
Parking: Both the large lot across the street on James Meredith Drive and the smaller lot behind the law school are open to students. But remember, the large lot closes at 5PM for security reasons; so, if you plan to remain on campus after 5PM, you will need to move your car to the lot behind the law school building. Students are free to park in any open space in the rear lot after 4PM (even if it is assigned to faculty or staff).
Building Access: Most of the access points to the law school are now open. However, the Administration building entrance outside the Dean's Suite will be closed until further notice due to work being done on the exterior stairs and soffit . You can still access all of the 1st Floor administrative offices from the stairs off of the back patio, by using the stairs from the classroom lobby, or by taking the elevator down from the 2nd floor. Apologies for any inconvenience, but we are just a few weeks away from completion of Phase 1 and all access to our improved 1st Floor Classrooms and Offices will soon be fully restored!